Grad Hypnotist

More Grad committee’s book a Hypnotist for their  

High School Dry Grad / All Night Grad Parties / Project Graduation

than most other types of entertainment

Contact Us for More Info

“Your show was definitely the highlight of the day. The students and staff are still talking about how hilarious it was. Everyone enjoyed seing there friends up on stage. If you ever need anyone to recommend your show, St. Andrew’s College would be more than happy to do so!”

Jason LaMarche, St. Andrew’s College

“The whole audience was in nonstop hysterics during the show. I especially loved how the volunteers were moving all over the stage throughout. This made the show much more entertaining for the audience and myself. On behalf of Thornhill, I would like to thank and congratulate you for a job well done!”

Jason Shabtai, Thornhill SS

Dry Grad is an event which provides students with a safe, drug and alcohol-free environment to celebrate their graduation. It is a fully supervised fun event, usually sponsored by the PAC, or Grad Committee, where the grads can celebrate their graduation with their friends in a safe environment.

After Grad / Safe Grad Events take place after the prom. Typically the students are transported directly from their prom dinner and dance to the Dry – Safe Grad venue. The Dry grad party typically offers an exciting and entertaining variety of activities as well as music, food, and lots of photo opportunities.  Many schools also have prizes to give out as well.

Project Graduation is a program offered by many high schools in Canada and the United States, in which organized, adult-supervised and alcohol-free activities are offered as part of a post-graduation party, as an alternative to student-run events involving alcoholic beverages or other drugs

The All Night Grad Party (ANGP) is a chaperoned, alcohol-free, and drug-free celebration usually held back at High School, or a local community center, the evening of graduation (10:30 pm – 4:30 am). This event is sponsored by the PTSA, or Boosters, to give graduating seniors an opportunity to celebrate their accomplishments with their classmates in a safe and entertaining environment.  All Night Grad Party is made possible by the generous support of local businesses, parents and many volunteers who value the achievements of our graduates. It takes a community to put on an all-night grad party.

“Thanks, Casey!! All the students thought you were wonderful and can’t wait for you to come again! They are still talking about their experiences and how they want to be the ones on stage next time. I would like to thank you on behalf of our school it was an incredible experience and we look forward to more!”.
Emily Vera, Robert McMath Secondary Dry Grad
“We booked Casey three times, booked another show last year, and right after that show, our students wanted to know when we were bringing Casey back!”
Jan Scully Staff Advisor, Markville HS

Why Choose Casey?

 Over 2000 shows for High School Audiences – The show is fast paced with lots of Group Suggestion

Imagine 15-25 Grads up on stage at the same time

All reacting in their own unique way to the comedic hypnotic suggestions

Gives your audience lots to look at

Laugh hard with each other for 60-90 minutes

In short, a memorable last laugh for the Grads

Age Appropriate: Just the right amount of innuendo for your audience

With a wealth of experience and material, Casey can provide a show all can enjoy

  • Audience Participation Entertainment

  • Comedy Hypnosis Show

  • Grads come up on stage

  • With a wealth of experience and material

  • Book with Confidence

  • All Ages appropriate material

  • Just the right amount of innuendo for your audience

  • and become “Stars of the Show”

  • Casey can easily make his Hypnosis show hilarious for your audience

  • Over 3500 shows for your target audiences – over 2000 High School shows

For the people who attended, it made their day. For those who missed it, they heard about it for days to come. I’m sure they won’t miss it again!
Ms. Kelly Faiola, Dr. John M Denison
“Casey’s show is the 4th Hypnosis show I’ve seen, and it is definitely the best!”
Matthew Gregson, Westminster HS

Book with Confidence

 Casey has performed over 2000 comedy hypnosis shows for

High School audiences

See more Testimonials

Let’s Connect


“The show was fantastic. Audience morale and participation where unlike any assembly we have had before.”
Ian Elliot, Nicole Beaith, Saugueen DSS
“The whole audience was in nonstop hysterics during the show. I especially loved how the volunteers were moving all over the stage throughout. This made the show much more entertaining for the audience and myself. On behalf of Thornhill, I would like to thank and congratulate you for a job well done!”
Jason Shabtai, Thornhill HS
Connect with Us

Casey S.T. Jones

Grad Night Hypnotist

for Booking info call our office at: | 702-997-2021 | 604-484-1522 | or: Email US  at:

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